Chinmay had first come to Sankalp when he was 6 months old. He has ‘Cerebral Visual Impairment’ which is associated with Intellectual Disability. When Chinmay’s mother Mrs Sejal was pregnant with him, in the 9th month it was detected that there was a deficiency of water and hence an operation had to be done for Chinamay’s birth.

He was born underweight and had a seizure when he was 3 days old. His MRI reports revealed that he has a brain injury and therefore he gets internal seizures. His entire family got really demotivated until they found the right treatment and recommendation to visit Sankalp. The family was very hesitant in engaging with Sankalp as they assumed what miracle two young girls could do where other eminent professionals couldn’t do more with this case. Finally, his mother, Mrs Sejal made up her mind and came to the center, where Chinmay came in OP for regular therapy, transitioning soon to EI and now he is in SLC (Sankalp Learning Center). There hasn’t been any looking back for Chinmay and the entire family since the time there engagement with Sankalp started. Entire family is very satisfied with the kind of improvements Chinamy has shown in this period of time. When Chinmay came in he would not respond or communicate in anyway but now he is using functional vision to explore new environment.

He has become more confident with mobility and currently very keen on learning new task each day be it new words or rhythm. Not just for Chinmay but for Mrs Sejal as well the engagement with Sankalp has been a very learning and empowering experience. Earlier she was very emotional about this whole condition and felt shameful going in public with the kid, it took her 3 years of one-on-one counselling with Dr Jaya and Dr Ruchi, and many workshops, courses to be confident about herself and Chinmay. Mrs. Sejal’s entire family attended a workshop organized by Sankalp around ‘Vision Impairment and associated disability. As part of which simulation exercises were done in order to make the participants experience what does the kid with this disability feels. It is after this workshop that everyone back home could truly empathize with Chinmay and understand how he feels each day. Chinmay’s that part of the brain is damaged which controls vision, and since there is impairment in vision therefore other developmental milestones were also getting delayed. It is through continuous therapy, engagement and consistent faith that the neurons around the damaged areas are getting into function and hence growth can be seen in Chinmay. Mrs Sejal says that, “Though the family is very sound financially but if they hadn’t found Sankalp, then Chinmay would have stayed a dumb child with a dumb mother”. She feels that Chinmay is on the right track and she hopes that he will become independent in his everyday activities if this engagement and faith continues.